Friday, December 11, 2009

First Words

I'm sure many of you have been wondering if Tali has said her first word yet. She's almost one (can you believe it?) and I haven't written about that yet. Well, to answer your question - Yes.

Tali's first word was "ma ma." The reason I didn't write about it is because she originally started saying "ma ma" as just sounds about four or five months ago. Then, about three months ago she actually made the connection. For some reason, I never got around to writing about it. Yes, I was excited that I was her first word, but it just never made the blog.

Tali's second word was "da da"(about a month ago) and she knows who that is. On Wednesday, Tali uttered her third word - "Jackson." No, she didn't say his full name. She calls him "esss" - that's the only letter of his name she can pronounce. But, it is clear that she is referring to him. It's very cute. Now she can say his name (sorta) and pat her leg when she wants him to come. She's learning quickly now.

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