Saturday, December 26, 2009

First Birthday Party

This past Sunday was Tali's first birthday party. Her theme was "Winter ONEderland" (H's idea) so we decorated with snowflake balloons and a winter-themed cake. Party favors for the kiddies were personalized snow globes (a place for the kid to insert his/her own picture) and a winter-themed book. The day before the party, we experienced the first big snowstorm of the season. So there was snow on the ground for Tali's winter-themed party. How perfect! The only downside was that a few people couldn't make it at the last minute. Tali's music teacher came to entertain the kids and Tali herself had a great time. She was happy the entire party - it was like she knew it was her birthday. Here are a few pictures:

Arriving at the party.

Me and Tali - she's absolutely fascinated by her music teacher.

Sitting with her friend Samantha, staring at their music teacher.

Laughing under the parachute.

Her birthday cake!

Singing Happy Birthday to our daughter.

First bite.

Mmmm....this is GOOD!

No, Mommy! Don't wipe my face!

After the party - VERY dirty from all that crawling around!

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