Sunday, December 6, 2009

First (And Second) Push Toys

Yesterday FedEx dropped off a big box - a birthday/Hanukkah gift from Aunt Sue and Uncle David. They bought her a classic push toy - a Radio Flyer wagon and H was so excited about it that he immediately put it together. When Tali woke up from her nap, she got to play with her new toy. Unfortunately, she didn't quite get the point of it. Instead of pushing it, she pulled up on the side and used it as a prop for standing. But she had fun.

Then H decided to put her behind the wagon to see if she would push it. Nope, not yet.

A little later Aunt Judy and Uncle Adam came over and brought a second push toy for her! This one is a Fisher Price shopping cart. After the cart was put together, Tali gave it a go. She still didn't get the whole pushing concept and preferred to simply play with toys inside. This morning I gave her the cart again and she continued to play with the toys (she already has a favorite - the carrot).

And, finally, she got behind the cart on her own and gave it a few pushes! She's not cruising around yet, but it was a step (pun intended) in the right direction. Hooray for Tali!

To Tali's aunts and uncles: Thanks for the great gifts!

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