Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Blanket Update

After Monday's post about Tali throwing her blanket out of the crib, I got some advice from Savta and then some from H and Gran. Savta suggested sewing a ribbon to the blanket and then tying the ribbon to the crib (Paige also suggested this later on) but the problem is that it would have to be a very long ribbon and she could get caught in it and choke. H and Gran are from the school of tough love. They told me to just let her cry. H reminded me of a kid we both think is obnoxious (I won't say that kid's name here, sorry) and said that if I don't toughen up, Tali could end up like this kid. That was enough for me! And Gran agreed - if she throws the blanket out then it's too bad and she'll just have to deal.

So on Tuesday the blanket stayed in the crib for both naps. This morning's nap I was just as lucky but Tali decided to play her little game this afternoon. I knew this would be tough, but geeze! Tali cried for 45 minutes! She stood up in her crib and just looked down at her blanket and screamed. Sometimes she shook the crib, other times she reached her arm through the bars, but she was simply beside herself. After 45 minutes, I went in because it was 30 minutes past her breastfeeding time and I figured she was probably hungry as well. I didn't pick up the blanket - I just put her in the rocking chair and breastfed her. She was hungry! After she ate I gave her the blanket and put her back down. This time the blanket stayed with her and she went to sleep.

Sadly, I'm pretty sure this isn't over. Tali enjoys testing me (I won't even tell you how many times a day she crawls to the VCR, pausing to look at me) so I'm sure I have a few more days of this before she gets the idea. After this is over I'm going to need a mental health day.

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