Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Gran's in Town!

Gran's back for another visit and it's been great to have her here. Luckily, Tali is still in the stage where she'll let some people hold her so my mom can just jump right in. She's been here since Thursday and we've been busy the entire time. 

There are both pros and cons to my mom living far away. The con is obvious - she lives far away and only sees Tali every other month. But the pro is that she can really see changes in Tali. It helps me realize how much she has grown. Although Tali still likes to cry (Gran calls this "her hobby"), she's doing it much less than she used to. The biggest change is that Tali can now entertain herself for periods of time - especially if she's given the freedom to roll around on the floor. My mom sees a lot of me in Tali and it's fun to hear that I did this and that as a baby. For example, if I wanted something (before I could crawl), I would just roll and roll until I got to it. Tali does the same thing. Even at this age, Tali is already showing her independence. My favorite phrase was "I'll do it myself." Tali loves her dresses (mainly because she likes to put them in her mouth) and all I wanted to wear when I was little were dresses.

Most importantly, my mom timed her visit so that she'd be here when I got sick (fever and all - yuck) and it's been great to have help with Tali. I'm sure I could have managed on my own, but it is really nice to have the help. Thanks, Gran!

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