Friday, August 28, 2009

Going Nuts

As part of Tali's bedtime routine, she spends a few minutes in her Jumperoo while I prepare her bath. She's usually in there for about five minutes but last night she was having such a blast that I let her bounce around for 15 minutes. Tali was jumping so hard that I was afraid the whole thing would break. Luckily, Fisher Price makes good toys. She was so funny in there that I had to take some video. Pay particular attention to her feet - she jumps like a dancer (Jennifer - feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!). When I finally pulled her out (not because she was finished, but because her bath was getting cold!), she wasn't even out of breath. It's 8:15 at night, most babies her age are asleep and she's jumping her little heart out. 


Mom said...

Mrs. Jeanette would love to see those dance steps.

Anonymous said...

She does look like a little dancer !!! Very impressed

Anonymous said...

She does look like a little dancer! Very impressed. Love, Jennifer