Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Calling in Sick

Hi Tali,

I'm not feeling well and will be out sick today. Your breast milk is in the freezer and you can defrost the bags in hot water before putting it into a bottle. I've already put your food for the day in the fridge but you might need to warm it up in the microwave. You get pretty messy when you eat so wipe yourself off with some wet paper towels. You will scream, but do it anyway. When your eyes start to get heavy or you pull your left ear, it's time for you to go down for a nap. Don't forget to set an alarm so that you can wake up to eat. You can entertain yourself in the Exersaucer or just roll around on the floor. Deirdre is coming for Jackson today so he does not need to be walked this evening. Take a bath around 8:00 and Daddy will be home in time to read Goodnight Moon and put you to bed. 

Hopefully I'll be well enough to work tomorrow.


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