Saturday, January 2, 2010


Like most people, I make a New Year's resolution every year. But I think about what my resolution will be for a few months and make a realistic goal that I know I can accomplish and continue with after the year is over. My goal is never to lose weight or any other typical resolution - if I need to drop a few pounds, I don't need a resolution to make me do it. Instead, I try to focus on something that will improve my life and hopefully those around me.

For example, three years ago I made the resolution to learn how to cook a few dishes well. I didn't want to learn how to cook because I believe that is an ongoing process that cannot be accomplished in one year (or perhaps one lifetime). But wanted to get myself into the kitchen for the first time. Now I cook dinner almost every night and have plenty of great recipes to choose from.

Two years ago I resolved to start writing regularly. I always had a dream of publishing a book (who doesn't?) but knew that my writing skills needed practice. So, I started a blog about being pregnant. Now I'm onto blog number two and writing regularly.

Last year I resolved to budget my (our) finances better. With a new baby I knew we'd be spending more money than before. So I began clipping coupons for the grocery, stopped buying clothing for myself unless it was necessary or a gift from someone else and reviewed our credit card statements more closely.

So what's in store for this year? I'm challenging myself with TWO resolutions this time. The first is to be more focused. Like most women, I multitask. But when you multitask you don't get either job done well. So now I'd like to do one thing at a time - especially where Tali is involved. Since she'll be very mobile soon I'll need both eyes on her and I want her to know she has my full attention. My second resolution is to become my family's nutritionist. I'd like to learn more about what each member of our family needs (including Jackson, who's put on a few pounds from eating Tali's scraps) and implement changes in my food purchases and cooking to help everyone be as healthy as they can. It's not a diet (except for Jackson - his has already started), but just a healthier and more informed lifestyle choice.

With two resolutions for the new year, I need all the encouragement I can get. Feel free to send any helpful thoughts (or favorite recipes) my way!

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