Sunday, January 24, 2010

First Trip to the Aquarium

When: Yesterday

Where: The Norwalk Aquarium

Details: We got our new car yesterday (hooray!) and H wanted to take it out for its inaugural drive. So we decided to go to lunch at a restaurant in Westport that we really like and then to the aquarium in Norwalk. Tali was an angel at the restaurant but I was a bit nervous about the aquarium. She's at the stage where she doesn't want to be in the stroller but still isn't walking well enough to just walk around somewhere. And since the floor would be REALLY dirty, I didn't want to let her crawl. Luckily, Tali proved me wrong - she loved the aquarium! She enjoyed watching the big turtles, sharks and fish swim around. You could see her follow them back and forth in their tanks. Even when H took her out so that she could see all of the tanks that weren't at ground level, she was well behaved. Now I have a place to take her if we've been stuck inside for a few days. And I can't wait to take her to the New Orleans aquarium - it blows this one out of the water (no pun intended) - I'm sure she'll have a blast.

1 comment:

The Bean said...

New Orleans aquarium is so fun...except I still cannot stand over that glass above the shark tank. Scares me every time. Hopefully Tali is braver than a 29-year-old woman =)