Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Little Miss Poopy Pants Makes Her Public Debut

I think I jinxed myself. The day after I blogged about how Tali had yet to poop on her clothing in public, it happened. Yup, there was a dirty onesie at the end of music class. I was talking to one of the other moms and I heard the poop. Immediately my heart skipped a beat and I just knew what had happened. So poor Tali had to get naked in front of her little friends and their mommies. (Luckily I was prepared with an extra onesie and a Ziplock bag to hold the dirty one.) I'd like to say that it taught Tali a lesson, but no such luck. We had another dirty onesie today. I never knew being a mom meant scrubbing dirty clothes on an almost daily basis. Such glamorous work.

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