Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bad Mom

At least once a day I feel like a bad mom. There's always something I did (or didn't do). So in an effort to give Tali more fodder for her therapist when she's older, I am going to start a series of "Bad Mom" posts. Feel free to share your own!

Bad Mom - Toys

I regularly forget to bring toys for Tali when we go out. I can't count the number of times I've been caught in a situation where the other moms have toys for their babies and I don't. This past weekend we got together with some friends who have an 11-month old and Tali played with some of his toys. Also, I don't seem to know about/have purchased the good toys that all the other moms have. She doesn't have rings or balls yet. 

In my defense, at this age I can hold Tali's attention for much longer than a toy can. But it's time I did some toy shopping. I think I'm going to buy some "travel toys" that will just stay packed for when we go out. Then I won't look so unprepared.

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