Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Baby is Broken Again

I don't know what happened, but Tali's broken again. It's been about a week (maybe a bit longer) since she's had a good night sleep. Every night it seems to be something different but they all keep me up. Last night, she woke up four times. The night before she was up for two hours. I can't remember the other nights because it's all a blur, but I just know she didn't sleep well. So once again I'm a walking zombie. During this past sleep strike I've only been able to take one nap. It seems I always have things to do while she's napping (errands, grocery store, prepare dinner, etc.) so I just don't have the opportunity to rest myself. Good genes make it very rare to see me with bags under my eyes but this morning I saw them. Where's Mr. Sandman? Tali (and I) really needs his help!

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