Sunday, May 10, 2009

Little Miss Poopy Pants

I have quite a few pet names for Tali but the one that seems to be most appropriate lately is Little Miss Poopy Pants. 

Tali poops one to two times a day and when she does, she means business! She fills the whole diaper and nine times out of ten it leaks out of the diaper onto her clothing. If she's wearing a onesie and pants, it'll usually go through both. Every time I hear her begin to poop I cross my fingers that its contained. On average, she wears two outfits a day but there are special days, like yesterday, when she wears three. 

So far this has only happened at home but I'm just waiting for the day it happens when we are out in public. I dread having to use a public restroom to wash out her clothing. I'm thinking about switching diaper brands to see if that helps but I'm not sure it would. I think it's just par for the course until she's eating solid foods.

Luckily, my Mother's Day gift from Tali was a day free of poopy clothing. Thanks, sweetheart!

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