Sunday, September 27, 2009

First Taste of Grass

When: Yesterday

Where: At Jack's house (it was his first birthday party)

Details: H and I took Tali to a birthday party yesterday and it was held in the birthday boy's front yard. There was a guy playing guitar for the kids and babies, food, drinks and some toys (mostly hula hoops). We sat Tali in the grass next to the other babies and as this was her first time sitting in grass, she was curious. She put her hand in it for a bit and then realized that she could pull it out. After she pulled out a few clumps, she decided to taste it. It didn't really phase me when I first saw the grass in Tali's mouth. I'm so used to seeing Jackson eat grass that it took me a minute to realize this was a baby, not a puppy! Since Tali eats everything, no matter how many times I told her no and removed the grass from her mouth, she put more in. Finally, I decided that the best thing to do would be to pick her up, eliminating the opportunity. On the bright side, there's still only one thing that Tali doesn't like (turkey)!

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