Monday, October 5, 2009

First Wave Bye-Bye

When: Yesterday

Where: At the Loweniger's house

Details: Since my mini freak out about missing the clapping milestone, Tali and I have been working on waving bye-bye. We wave bye-bye to everything: people, Jackson, her toys, the car, etc. She still cannot clap, but I was hoping the wave would come at a normal time. Yesterday we went to the Loweniger's house for Sukkot (this was also Tali's first Sukkot, first time in a Sukkah and first time she only napped for two hours the whole day) and we had a great time. When it was time to go, Tali waved bye-bye! And she did it again, and again, and again. Later on that afternoon, I took her and Jackson on a walk. We ran into some friends who waved hi and she waved back! I think she gets it. Hooray! We're on track for a milestone!

A special thanks to Savta for the video
and Aunt Judy for her vocal performance.

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