Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Not So Warm Welcome

She's done it to Savta quite a few times. Uncle Adam was a recent victim. And last night Miss Vicky (our cleaning woman/babysitter) got the full experience. Tali does not like people walking into her house. When someone walks through our front door, it's not uncommon for Tali to look at them and burst into tears. I am not sure why she hates the front door so much. Perhaps she knows that this means I'm leaving or maybe it's just the shock of someone new entering the room, but it happens quite often. Last night she put on a full show.

H and I went to a concert so Miss Vicky came to babysit. When she arrived, Tali was happy, playing in the Exersaucer. But one look at Miss Vicky and the waterworks began. She didn't cheer up when Vicky held her or tried to play with her. The only thing that would calm her is me holding her. Normally, Tali loves Vicky. She sees her once a week and is always happy to go to her and play with her but Vicky usually arrives while Tali is sleeping so there is no front door shock.

So I decided to "reset" Tali and brought her upstairs to play for a few minutes. She calmed down, began smiling and we came back downstairs. Tali was happy to see Vicky but still didn't want to leave my side. Since I didn't want to leave Vicky with a screaming baby, I put her in the stroller, got Jackson's leash/collar on and Vicky took them on a walk while I left. I'm happy to report that did the trick! Tali was happy on her walk and a perfect angel when Vicky brought her home. I'm glad we were able to solve the problem, but I just wish it wasn't a problem in the first place. I guess it's time for me to teach Tali some southern hospitality.

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