Sunday, April 5, 2009

Someone broke the baby

I think someone broke my baby. She was finally starting to sleep well at night and now she's the worst she's ever been. 

On average, Tali had been sleeping 5-6 hours straight (she even did 7 one night!) and then another 2-3 hour stretch. I was finally getting a bit of sleep at night and able to function somewhat better during the day. Then, three nights ago, everything changed. I'm not sure if it's because she had to go back in her bassinet and sleep in a different room (see previous post) or some other factor, but she started waking up every 2-3 hours. But last night was the worst. She woke up EVERY HOUR and she was back in her room and crib. There was nothing I could do to soothe her. I tried everything. She just screamed for about 20-30 minutes, fell asleep and then would wake up 30 minutes later to scream again. I'm exhausted.

She's broken and I want her fixed! Anyone know of a baby repairman in the area?

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