Sunday, April 5, 2009

Furniture Fiasco

When H and I purchased Tali's furniture, we went to a small store in Long Island (about an hour and a half away) so that we could select boy furniture and girl furniture and have the right one delivered once Tali was born. After we picked out the furniture (a very long process), the store called our doctor to find out the sex of the baby and then ordered the girl furniture. Her furniture arrived a few days after she was born and we love it. But, there has been a problem for the past three months. The armoire came with some scratches and dents.

We waited three months for the furniture company to send us some touch-up paint so that it could be fixed. Once the paint finally came, the store sent over someone to do the touch-up and he did a horrible job. It actually looked worse than before. So he came back a few days later to pick up the hutch (where most of the scratches were) and bring to a refinisher. It came back a few days later even worse! The finish wasn't the same, it was dirty, there were still some scratches and it had a very strong paint smell. The smell was so strong that we had to put Tali back in her bassinet and in the office to sleep for two nights. I didn't want her exposed to the fumes.

Apparently, the refinisher wasn't finished with the hutch when it was picked up. So now it's going back to him today for completion. The hutch (along with the top of the dresser - which also has a few scratches) will be gone for a week or so. Hopefully it'll come back looking like new and we can be done with this nonsense. It'd be nice to have her room together before her first birthday!

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