Friday, April 10, 2009

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

While I was pregnant, there was a woman who made it her mission to tell me horror stories of her pregnancy and labor/delivery. She told me how crazy I was to want to give birth without the use of medication. Her "warnings" got so annoying that I eventually asked her to stop telling me these stories. 

Well, I saw her the other day and she met Tali. She asked me how my delivery was and I briefly told her the story. She then said to me that she wishes she could've had more children because she loved being pregnant and had such an easy labor/delivery! She went on to say how great everything was throughout her pregnancy and how she barely felt any labor pains!

I just sat there, shocked. My mouth was probably wide open. I couldn't believe I was hearing this. I chose not to remind her of all the "warnings" she gave me. But now I know she is a big, fat liar.

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