Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tali and Eli

Tali at 2 1/2 years old. Eli at 3 weeks old.

The first question people ask me these days is how is Tali with Eli. When Eli was born, she acted exactly as I expected: not paying much attention to him and focusing on Jackson. However, as the days have gone on, Tali's reaction to Eli has changed.

Last week, she began to get a little jealous of him. She would often say "give Mommy a hug, no baby" if I was holding Eli. She would also try to sit on my lap and push him out of the way. On Friday afternoon I had a babysitter watch Eli for two hours while Tali and I went to run errands. It really helped things. Tali was so happy to be with just me and repeatedly said "it's just Tali and Mommy" while we were out.

Over the weekend her behavior actually surprised me - she asked to hold Eli! When I first put Eli on her lap, she lifted her dress as if to feed him like I do (Tali - I am posting this picture at your dad's request)! I explained to her that only Mommy feeds Eli like that and Tali and Daddy hold Eli with their shirts down. So, she put her shirt down and held him for a minute or so. On Sunday, she asked to hold him again. And today (Monday) she actually asked to feed him! Again, I explained that only Mommy can feed Eli. She wasn't happy with that explanation but she didn't force the issue too much. In addition to wanting to hold him, she is asking to kiss him, is much more aware of him and is accepting of when he is with us.

So, she's getting into the groove of being a big sister. I'm surprised by how quickly she's come around. And I'm very proud of her.

Tali trying to breast feed Eli.

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