Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Embarrassing Moments

Tali's at the age where there are quite a few embarrassing moments for me (I'll get to embarrass her in about 10 years). Putting down the potty in the driveway of someone's house doesn't bother me. Neither does getting a bit messy at a restaurant (as long as she's well behaved). But within the past week there have been two distinct moments where I wanted to hide.

Last week, at the end of our shopping trip at Whole Foods, Tali told me she had to go potty. So I brought her into the bathroom and sat her on the toilet. She went and as I was washing up, I heard the alarm go off. I peeked outside to see if everyone was evacuating and no one seemed to notice. Then Tali told me she had to go again. I put her back on the potty and someone knocked on the door to ask if everything was okay. Turns out she pulled the emergency string next to the toilet! Ugh, I just wanted to disappear.

Yesterday, we were in a cafe picking up some salad and Tali walked away from me. I told her to come back and she walked back towards me with a giant ginger cookie that she'd taken a bite out of (plastic wrapper and all). I told her she couldn't just take things, that she had to ask and I took the cookie away from her. As I picked up my salad, she walked away again. I turned around to see her with two sugar cookies in one hand and munching on a piece of rugelach in the other hand! At this point I was both embarrassed and angry. So I paid for all of the cookies along with our salad and left. The entire way home, I explained to her that I was mad and she cannot just take cookies (to be fair, they were all on tables right at her height), that she must ask me first. When we got home, she began to repeat what I said in the car. It's hard to stay mad when she's being so funny!

(Apologies for the jumpy video. Jackson was trying to get me to play tug while I was recording.)

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