Tuesday, September 11, 2012

15 Month Check-up

In the waiting room.

Yesterday Eli had his 15-month check-up. Tali came along because she LOVES going to the doctor, even if it's for her.

For the most part, things went well. He's still in the 1% for weight but has moved up to the 3% (was 1% last time) for height. The doctor is pleased with his progress from the physical therapy. She saw him stand on his own and take a few steps. His vitals checked out fine.

But, she did notice that his fine motor skills are behind. If he doesn't improve by the next visit, then she'd like to see him evaluated for occupational therapy as well. And he's still not talking (except for the occasional "mama" and "dada" - we think) so we should plan for a speech evaluation at 18 months unless the words start flowing soon.

At the end of the check-up, Eli needed two shots. The nurse came back in to administer them. I had Eli on my lap and Tali was sitting right across from him. I asked her to sing Eli a song to help keep him happy (one of her favorite things to do) but she was too distracted by the needles. As soon as the first needle went in, Eli started wailing. Somewhere between the first and second shot, she burst into tears as well. Sympathy crying. I wish I could have held both of them on my lap.

They both calmed down, eventually, got their stickers and left. Twice the kids, twice the drama.

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