Friday, July 8, 2011


Tali's been at camp for two weeks now and she already has a new boyfriend. Who is this adorable boy, you wonder? It's the rabbi's son. He is a very cute blonde (she seems to like the blondes) who seems very sweet. Did I mention she goes to a camp that is run by Chabad? The rabbi's son is the ninth of ten children. He just turned three and had his first haircut - a big ceremony where the whole Jewish community was invited. He now wears tzizit that are longer than his shorts.

So how did I learn about this new love interest? The camp director, who happens to be the rabbi's wife, saw her son giving Tali a big hug today. She said he's been in school all year and never shown any interest in the girls in his class. But I guess Tali won him over with her endless energy and enormous appetite. While I am sure his family is lovely, let's hope this is nothing more than a summer fling.

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