Monday, January 17, 2011

First Haircut

Today we took Tali to get her first haircut. Both H and I liked her long hair, but it was time for a little trim. Her hair was so much shorter in the front that it looked like she had a mullet.

So, dressed in her favorite shirt (her dog shirt) and armed with Puppy for a little extra support, Tali sat in the little car and watched TV as she got her very first haircut. She wasn't happy about the smock, and after a few "off, please" requests, the hairdresser took it off and just cut her hair without it.

The cut took only five minutes and the hairdresser added some nice layers to compensate for the shortness in front. When finished, Tali played in the car for a minute or two before she was ready to get out. 

All in all, it was much more traumatic for me than for Tali. She didn't shed a tear. It'll take some getting used to (she lost about an inch in the back - a lot for someone that size), but her hair looks much better now. 

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