Dear Tali,
Happy belated birthday! On Thursday, December 24, you turned one year old! I know I am a little late in posting this, but I've been very busy. You are now 17.5 pounds, 27" tall and have outgrown all of your 3-6 months clothes (except one pair of pants). This first year has definitely been an experience - nothing like I ever imagined.
Some things you can now do:
Voice your opinion - you can't talk, but you get your point across
Shake your head "no" (although I'm not 100% sure you really know what that means)
Stand on your own for about 10 seconds
Play with Jackson and laugh, and laugh, and laugh...
Show off - you love an audience and are such a little drama queen
Have a favorite color - I'm not sure why, but you love orange things
Wave bye-bye and understand what it means
Walk well with your wagon (see below)
Some things you still can't do:
Clap your hands
Grow teeth (yup, still toothless)
Walk on your own
Respond to your name (it happens sometimes, but not all the time)
Understand that I'm serious when I tell you "No"
Fall down and/or bump your head without screaming, no matter if you hurt yourself or not
Change your own diaper