As 2010 rolls in (ha, ha - get it...she's rolling a wagon) a few hours from now, we wish everyone a great new year. Tali is asleep and I am struggling to stay awake until midnight. Hopefully your evening is more eventful than ours!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
So Long 2009
As 2010 rolls in (ha, ha - get it...she's rolling a wagon) a few hours from now, we wish everyone a great new year. Tali is asleep and I am struggling to stay awake until midnight. Hopefully your evening is more eventful than ours!
I Win (Why? Because I Win...)
(PS The first person who can finish the quote in the subject and name the movie it came from will win a prize. Ilana - I know you know this one...)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
First Step
When: This afternoon
Where: In her room
Details: Last week when Gran was here, we sort of forced her to take a step to us but I didn't count it as a real first step. Today, however, I am counting. Tali and I were in her room and she was playing with her activity table. At one point, she looked at me, let go of the table, put out her arms and took a step! Then she did it again! This was all on her own - it was her choice. She had to concentrate very hard but she did it. There were no more steps the rest of the day and I'm sure she still has a long time before she is really walking, but this was a big deal. In her first week as a one-year-old, she accomplished a major milestone. Hooray, Tali!
I've been weaning Tali from breastfeeding for the past 2 1/2 weeks and today was her first day without any breastfeedings. The last one to be cut was the morning feeding and she was not happy this morning. She didn't want milk in a cup and just cried and cried and cried until I gave her breakfast. She refused to drink from the cup the whole meal (although she did cheer up).
Tali wasn't the only one upset about this - it has been very hard on me. Before I began weaning, I thought I was ready. But once it started, it was hard both physically and emotionally. For me (and many others), breastfeeding is a very special experience that cannot be explained. It was a special bond that I shared with my daughter. I was able to provide something that no one else could provide for her. (She rarely had a bottle, and when she did it was filled with breast milk.) Once the twelfth month rolled around, I thought I was ready to wean but when it actually began, I got very sad.
I cut out the first feeding (11:00 a.m.) and was okay with it. But a few days later, Tali cut out a feeding (7:00 p.m.) and that was very hard for me. Even though I eliminated the last two feedings, it was very hard and I did so reluctantly. Now an entire phase of our lives is over. I am making myself look at the positive:
- No more nursing bras.
- No more breast pump.
- No more nursing pillow attached to my waist.
- I can have a babysitter at any time (I didn't like leaving her during a feeding time).
- I can take a vacation without Tali.
- I can drink - as much as I'd like.
Even with all of those positives, I'm still a bit sad. I'll get over it but it's going to take me longer than I originally thought.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
First Clap!
When: Last night
Where: In the bath
Details: Last night while giving Tali her bath, she clapped for the first time! Five months later than most babies, Tali can finally put her hands together and make a noise. Savta babysat her for most of the day while H, Saba and I went car shopping (we got a new car - yeah, won't come until February/March - boo). Savta worked on the clapping with her but she Tali just wouldn't do it. Then, while playing in her bath she decided it was time to finally give it a try. I'm very proud of her. I was convinced that she would be the only child who didn't know how to clap but now she can. What a big milestone!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
First Birthday Party
This past Sunday was Tali's first birthday party. Her theme was "Winter ONEderland" (H's idea) so we decorated with snowflake balloons and a winter-themed cake. Party favors for the kiddies were personalized snow globes (a place for the kid to insert his/her own picture) and a winter-themed book. The day before the party, we experienced the first big snowstorm of the season. So there was snow on the ground for Tali's winter-themed party. How perfect! The only downside was that a few people couldn't make it at the last minute. Tali's music teacher came to entertain the kids and Tali herself had a great time. She was happy the entire party - it was like she knew it was her birthday. Here are a few pictures:
Happy (Belated) Birthday, Tali!
Dear Tali,
Some things you can now do:
Voice your opinion - you can't talk, but you get your point across
Shake your head "no" (although I'm not 100% sure you really know what that means)
Stand on your own for about 10 seconds
Play with Jackson and laugh, and laugh, and laugh...
Show off - you love an audience and are such a little drama queen
Have a favorite color - I'm not sure why, but you love orange things
Wave bye-bye and understand what it means
Walk well with your wagon (see below)
Some things you still can't do:
Clap your hands
Grow teeth (yup, still toothless)
Walk on your own
Respond to your name (it happens sometimes, but not all the time)
Understand that I'm serious when I tell you "No"
Fall down and/or bump your head without screaming, no matter if you hurt yourself or not
Change your own diaper
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
She Has An Opinion
Tali is an excellent eater. She eats almost everything I put in front of her (curried chicken, anyone?). But lately, she has begun to have an opinion about what she eats. On any given day, she'll shoo away a food that she has previously loved. Sometimes, she'll gobble it up just ten minutes later and sometimes I'll have to wait a day or two before she decides it's okay to eat. Almost all of these foods are things she's had before (and loved before) and it's just that she's now learned she can have an opinion about food. I know of other kids who were great eaters as babies and then became picky toddlers. I'm so hoping this isn't the case with Tali.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Bad Dog
I think I'm mad at Jackson (this is rare). Today he took Tali's snack right out of her hands - three times! Her current afternoon snack is carrot sticks which I've steamed, frozen and then partially thawed in the fridge. Jackson loves carrots. So, he did this:
Then I gave Tali another carrot and he did this:
Perhaps he was just getting her back for shoving her whole hand in his food bowl this morning. Today he got a free pass. Tomorrow he gets punished. Yes, we punish our dog. And yes, we will punish our kid (often, is my guess).
Friday, December 11, 2009
First Words
I'm sure many of you have been wondering if Tali has said her first word yet. She's almost one (can you believe it?) and I haven't written about that yet. Well, to answer your question - Yes.
Tali's first word was "ma ma." The reason I didn't write about it is because she originally started saying "ma ma" as just sounds about four or five months ago. Then, about three months ago she actually made the connection. For some reason, I never got around to writing about it. Yes, I was excited that I was her first word, but it just never made the blog.
Tali's second word was "da da"(about a month ago) and she knows who that is. On Wednesday, Tali uttered her third word - "Jackson." No, she didn't say his full name. She calls him "esss" - that's the only letter of his name she can pronounce. But, it is clear that she is referring to him. It's very cute. Now she can say his name (sorta) and pat her leg when she wants him to come. She's learning quickly now.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Here We Go Again
This morning Tali threw her blanket out of her crib again. She screamed, shook the crib, tried to reach for her blanket, etc. She even threw a few of her toys out as well. (Perhaps hoping they'd pick up the blanket? Or maybe to keep the blanket company? Or, most likely, just out of anger.). But, after about 35 minutes she started to calm herself with a pacifier (I still leave a handful in her crib) and her book. She finally fell asleep about 15 minutes later. I'm sure this isn't over yet, but it's a step in the right direction. It's still really hard listening to her scream when I know that just by picking up the blanket I could make it all better.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Goodnight Moon and Jackson
Since we switched Tali's schedule to an earlier bedtime, I now read to her Monday - Thursday. Jackson loves to join us, hopping up into the rocking chair to sit beside me and Tali. Each night he comes to the chair, sits and looks up at me. I tell him it's okay to come up and pat the chair. It takes quite a few pats for Jackson to muster the courage to jump onto the chair (it's high for him) but he eventually makes it. Then I read Goodnight Moon to both of them while Tali holds her blanket in one hand and Jackson in the other (she doesn't pull his hair, just holds on to it).
Tonight, Tali initiated the pats! She saw Jackson come up to the chair, giggled (she just loves this dog) and then patted my leg (couldn't reach the chair) for him to jump up! In a week and a half, she's learned that is what needs to be done for Jackson to join us and so she did it. How cool to see her learn something so quickly.
Blanket Update
After Monday's post about Tali throwing her blanket out of the crib, I got some advice from Savta and then some from H and Gran. Savta suggested sewing a ribbon to the blanket and then tying the ribbon to the crib (Paige also suggested this later on) but the problem is that it would have to be a very long ribbon and she could get caught in it and choke. H and Gran are from the school of tough love. They told me to just let her cry. H reminded me of a kid we both think is obnoxious (I won't say that kid's name here, sorry) and said that if I don't toughen up, Tali could end up like this kid. That was enough for me! And Gran agreed - if she throws the blanket out then it's too bad and she'll just have to deal.
So on Tuesday the blanket stayed in the crib for both naps. This morning's nap I was just as lucky but Tali decided to play her little game this afternoon. I knew this would be tough, but geeze! Tali cried for 45 minutes! She stood up in her crib and just looked down at her blanket and screamed. Sometimes she shook the crib, other times she reached her arm through the bars, but she was simply beside herself. After 45 minutes, I went in because it was 30 minutes past her breastfeeding time and I figured she was probably hungry as well. I didn't pick up the blanket - I just put her in the rocking chair and breastfed her. She was hungry! After she ate I gave her the blanket and put her back down. This time the blanket stayed with her and she went to sleep.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure this isn't over. Tali enjoys testing me (I won't even tell you how many times a day she crawls to the VCR, pausing to look at me) so I'm sure I have a few more days of this before she gets the idea. After this is over I'm going to need a mental health day.
Monday, December 7, 2009
So Annoyed
They say that before a baby goes to sleep, she practices the skills she's working on. Tali's latest skill is dropping things. She's learning what happens when she lets go of something. Normally I just pick it up and give it back to her. If she does it repeatedly then I either remove the object or remove her from the area.
But now this new skill is starting to become her new nap-time ritual and it is driving me nuts. Starting yesterday, when I put her down for her nap she stands up in the crib, reaches over the railing and drops her blanket (which she is very attached to - can't sleep without it) on the floor. As soon as it hits the ground, she starts crying. So I go in, pick it up, put it in her crib and leave the room. A minute or two later (no, this is not an exaggeration), she drops it again. So I go back in, pick it up, put it in her crib and leave the room. This goes on for at least 30 minutes (this afternoon it was 45) and I've had it. I can't get anything done. Laundry? Nope. Dishes? Nope. Lunch? Nope. The only positive is that I'm getting a lot of exercise going up and down the stairs.
I'd like to think I have a lot of patience with her but I just can't take this. If I don't go in her room to pick up the blanket, her cries turn to hysterical screams and she starts shaking the crib. I really hope this phase ends tomorrow or I might just throw the blanket (and her) out the window. Any advice?
Sunday, December 6, 2009
First (And Second) Push Toys
Yesterday FedEx dropped off a big box - a birthday/Hanukkah gift from Aunt Sue and Uncle David. They bought her a classic push toy - a Radio Flyer wagon and H was so excited about it that he immediately put it together. When Tali woke up from her nap, she got to play with her new toy. Unfortunately, she didn't quite get the point of it. Instead of pushing it, she pulled up on the side and used it as a prop for standing. But she had fun.
Then H decided to put her behind the wagon to see if she would push it. Nope, not yet.
A little later Aunt Judy and Uncle Adam came over and brought a second push toy for her! This one is a Fisher Price shopping cart. After the cart was put together, Tali gave it a go. She still didn't get the whole pushing concept and preferred to simply play with toys inside. This morning I gave her the cart again and she continued to play with the toys (she already has a favorite - the carrot).
And, finally, she got behind the cart on her own and gave it a few pushes! She's not cruising around yet, but it was a step (pun intended) in the right direction. Hooray for Tali!
To Tali's aunts and uncles: Thanks for the great gifts!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
How Do You Reason With An 11-Month Old
who wants to take her favorite blanket into the bath with her? I tried to explain that if it gets wet, she won't be able to sleep with it. But she doesn't understand that concept yet. I tried gently taking it away. There was a struggle and tears. I tried to distract her by offering another toy. She held on to the blanket while playing. Finally, she dropped it by accident and I seized the moment to whisk her into the bath before she could realize what happened. I was lucky that time but I'm sure that won't always be the case. Any suggestions?
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