Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Finally Out of the High Chair

Tali's first meal in her new booster seat.


This past weekend, Tali hit a very big milestone - she moved to a booster seat! While most kids make this move well before age two, Tali was perfectly happy in her high chair. And we were perfectly happy to have her in it. The only reason we moved her is because Eli will need the chair in 2-3 months and we wanted to make sure there was enough time between the two of them that Tali wouldn't consider it "her chair" anymore. It actually took a bit of convincing to get Tali into her new booster seat. Now that she's there, I wonder why we didn't do this sooner. It's nice having her at the table with us and it's so much easier to clean.

Tali's first meal in her new booster seat? A bagel with veggie cream cheese. Her sixth? A pizza with guanciale, black truffles and sunny side egg (note: she loved the truffles but didn't care for the guanciale). She'll happily eat anywhere!

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