Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jelly on Mommy's Belly

Look Ma, blue hands! (A gift from one of the nurses.)

Since Baby D2 is on the small side, I've had to go to quite a few doctor's visits lately. I'm now going to the hospital twice a week for non-stress tests and growth scans. And Tali is coming with me. Luckily, she's been pretty good. I give her a container full of dried fruit and Sesame Street on my iPod and she sits happily while we listen to the baby's heartbeat and then look at the baby on the monitor. It doesn't hurt that she has a huge crush on one of the doctors there and asks to go see Dr. Bobby on a daily basis. He's flattered and always makes sure to tell her hello. She's also developed a relationship with some of the other doctors and nurses on staff. They all love her and make these frequent visits tolerable.

The best part of this whole experience is that Tali plays OBGYN at home all the time now. She pretends to put "jelly on Mommy's belly" and then uses some sort of long device (a necklace, Jackson's rope toy, etc.) to listen to the baby's "heartbean" and makes the noise of the heartbeat. It's very funny, even if she wants to do it 5-10 times a day.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

She's A Big Girl

Now that the weather is nice, all of the kids in our complex are playing outside. Of course, Tali wants to play with the big kids (ages 8 and up, usually) and just invites herself along. Luckily, the kids are very nice and most of them like her. In the past week, she's played with three different groups of kids and been on three different 'big kid" toys.

The first was a pogo stick. She didn't fully get on this one, but she tried. And the owner was very nice in letting her play with it.

Next, she learned how to ride a skateboard, sort of. She sat on the board and went back and forth while. Then she decided to stand on the board. We didn't let her go anywhere, but she had a blast.

At the end of the week, she got on a motorized scooter. Of course, we didn't turn the motor on or she would have sped away and fallen off, but she held on to the bar and we pushed her around a bit.

As her preschool teachers constantly remind me, this kid has no fear.

Hello, Old Friend

I cannot believe it's been more than a month since I've posted here. I've been so busy that I really haven't had a chance to sit down and write anything. Very sad. So, here's a quick recap of what has been going on in our world.

Trip to New Orleans
We went to New Orleans for Passover in April. Tali and I went down a bit early so we could spend some extra time with the family - including Tali's new cousin Ariel! Tali missed Jackson terribly (we left him with Savta) and even cried over it a few times. Then, H came down on Friday evening and we spent a weekend alone at a friend's B&B. We had a great time and it was nice to get away. Unfortunately, Tali didn't have such a good time. She was so depressed that I left her that she just want to take naps all day. She wasn't a happy kid. My poor mom and sister did the best they could with her. During Seder, Tali recited the Four Questions in Hebrew (she repeated after me), saving Uncle Brian the embarrassment of having to do them. My only regret is that we did not get it on video. She did a great job.

Near the end of our trip to New Orleans, Tali got a cold. We flew home with her cold and then I caught it. It was miserable. Since I'm pregnant, I couldn't really take anything. And I couldn't sleep because I couldn't breathe. I spent quite a few nights on the sofa (so H wouldn't catch it), just laying there. Its awful to be pregnant and sick and it took me about a week to get better.

Potty Training
I now consider Tali fully trained. It was pretty easy, really. There were some accidents in the beginning but she picked it up pretty quickly. The only downside is that she now wakes up at night if she has to pee. Even though I put a Pull-Up on her, she won't go in it. Usually, it's just once but sometimes it is two or three times. It's not fun being nine months pregnant and having to get up in the middle of the night. But I guess she's preparing me for a newborn. I just hope she's not waking at opposite hours of him. Then I'll never get any sleep!

We have a house!
H and I signed a contract on a house! Our four-year search  is finally over. It's a half hour from where we are now in a beautiful little town. But, the house needs some work. So now I am going to take on a house renovation with a 2-year-old and a new baby. I must be crazy.

Those are the main things that have been going on over here. I promise to be better about blogging going forward. (At least until the baby comes.)