Even though she looked a bit ridiculous, she had a great time. H took her out to play in our backyard for about 30 minutes. He helped her walk in the snow, threw her in the snow, and taught her how to make snowballs. Her hands were a bit cold when she came in, but she had fun!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Snow Day
Even though she looked a bit ridiculous, she had a great time. H took her out to play in our backyard for about 30 minutes. He helped her walk in the snow, threw her in the snow, and taught her how to make snowballs. Her hands were a bit cold when she came in, but she had fun!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Baby D2
So if you couldn't figure it out from the title or Tali's shirt, another baby is on the way! He/she is scheduled to arrive June 13, but I'll be prepared in May just in case this one decides to come early like its big sister. I've barely had the time to tell anyone besides family so I figured this was the best way to do so. I'm sorry if I haven't called or e-mailed you personally to let you know, it's just that the big sister keeps me very busy!
This pregnancy has been a lot different than my last. I'm much more nauseous than last time and have also dealt with a number of other pregnancy symptoms that I didn't have before. And, like most women who are pregnant for the second time, I'm looking bigger quicker. They say your body knows what to do the second time so it does it sooner. The only good news is that I haven't had the asthma problems I had last time.
Some things will be a bit different than with Tali: last time, we chose to have Tali's sex a surprise, but this time we've decided to find out. And other things will remain the same: I am sticking with my doctor in the city, even though it's a bit of a drive (about 1 hour) to get to her. When it came down to it, she's a better doctor (and so are her colleagues) than anyone out here.
So the baby explosion in my family continues. Baby D2 will be the fourth child born in six months (five if it comes early). Poor Tali won't have any cousins/siblings exactly her age, but she'll get to be the older/wiser/bossier one to them all.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Happy Birthday, Tali!
Dear Tali,
Happy Birthday! You turned two today and you've become such a great little girl. It's been amazing to watch you grow this past year. You went from taking your first steps to running around the house and saying your first words to speaking complete sentences. There isn't a shy bone in your body and you are a very active child. In nursery school, your teachers say you are always up for anything and very adventurous on the playground. You are now full of personality and have distinct likes and dislikes.
At this age, your two big loves are food and animals. Luckily, you are still a very good eater. While you don't always want what I offer you, you are still willing to try new foods and eat everything from chili and red beans & rice to beets and broccoli. Your love for animals is a big part of your life. You've never met a dog you didn't like (thanks Jackson!) and will happily pet any animal you come across - in a house or on a farm. Speaking of Jackson, you love him dearly and have become very attached to him. If anyone takes him on a walk without you, you cry his name until he returns. You also enjoy petting him, playing with him, walking him and feeding him.
Some other things you enjoy at this age are:
Books (you know all your books by name and have most of them memorized)
Sesame Street
Stickers (your favorite place to put them is on the back of the sofa)
Stuffed Animals
Gymnastics with Mommy (mainly somersaults and headstands)
Coloring (with markers or chalk)
I still remember the screaming baby from two years ago. It's incredible that you've turned into such a fun and happy toddler. You are very creative in your play and make me laugh constantly. Plus, you are very, very cute. Yes, you throw your share of tantrums these days, but the good times we share more than make up for it.
Happy birthday to my favorite two-year-old! I love you and hope you had a wonderful day today.
P.S. Thanks for the three-hour nap! Sorry we had to wake you.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
New Dog!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Snow Boots
Tali got her first pair of snow boots earlier this week. Since they were a bit difficult for her to walk in, I decided to break them in while running errands yesterday. In order to get her to wear them, I had to tell her she was wearing boots like Mommy. So the whole time we were out, she would look at her feet and say "boots like Mommy." It was very cute. She can walk in them now. All we need is some snow!
PS Savta knitted the hat. Isn't it adorable?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Two Cousins for Tali
On Saturday, December 11 at 5:15 a.m., Zachary Aiden was born to Judy (H's sister) and Adam. He's a tiny little guy (though bigger than Tali when she was born) at 5 lbs 13 oz. Tali calls him Baby Cousin Sat.
On Tuesday, December 14 at 10:57 p.m., Payton Victoria was born to Ilana (my cousin) and Greg. She weighed in at 7 lbs 1 oz. Tali can say Payton perfectly.
We're so thrilled for the new babies in our lives and can't wait to watch them grow!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Nap Time
Tali doesn't like dolls. I think they scare her a bit. But she loves to play with her stuffed animals, which she treats like other girls treat dolls. This past week, she's been putting them down for naps. She tells me it's nap time and changes their diapers. Then she places them on the sofa - usually on their backs. Once they are lying down, I am not allowed to disturb them. If I get near them, she pushes me back (way back) and says "away, away." Sometimes Jackson takes a nap with them and that is allowed. But only Tali knows when they are done with their nap.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Happy Hanukkah!
Or, as Tali would say, Happy Camca!
Last night was the first night of Hanukkah. H came home a bit later than normal so I had Tali bathed and ready for bed before we light the candles. Last year, Tali just watched us as we sang. This year, she wanted to hold the candle, she squirmed in our arms and just wasn't as into it. After she opened her present, she decided it was time to do headstands. So she did headstands for a good 20 minutes before H put her to bed.
Today Tali had her class Hanukkah party. It was very cute. We all sat in a circle and sang songs together. Then it was time to eat, which Tali did. She had fruit, vegetables, latkes, a donut, and an edible dreidel. At one point, her boyfriend fed her a carrot! Very cute. She was the last one to leave as she was still eating until they put the food away! But, she had a blast and it was nice to see her with all of her friends.