When I decided that I would make Tali's food instead of buying the jars, H was very supportive. I also received encouragement from friends who had done it (explaining what they did and that it really wasn't that difficult), a friend who is a chef and my mom. However, there were others who were a bit more negative - mostly those who didn't do it themselves. I remember being told that after a few weeks I'd give up and start buying the jars. Well, Tali's been eating solid foods for three and a half months now and I am proud to say that I have yet to purchase baby food (I do have two jars from a friend but don't even care to open them). Why did I decide to make her food? Here are the top reasons:
1. I know exactly what she's eating.
2. It is more nutritious than jarred food (even the organic ones) since store-bought food must be cooked at very high temperatures in order to have a long shelf life. The high temperature depletes nutrients.
3. It just tastes better. I had one friend tell me that her son thought apples were sour! Yup, the jarred applesauce made him pucker his lips.
4. It allows me to be creative. I don't have that many opportunities to express my creativity these days so Tali's food has become one outlet. I make my own combinations (mango/peach/blueberry or squash/peas/carrots are two recent combos- yum!) and she loves them.
5. It's cheaper.
6. It's better for the environment. I store her food in reusable plastic cubes.
7. I believe this has made her a good eater. H was a very picky eater as a child and while I wasn't as picky, I wasn't as good as she is. Again, the food tastes better.
Now we're ready to start on finger foods and while I will give her Puffs (although I hate the fact that is has ingredients I cannot pronounce), I plan to give her a lot of homemade finger foods. This will be fun (and Jackson will benefit greatly).
Tali eating Puffs