Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Six Months Old Today!

Dear Tali,

Today you are six months old and it's amazing to see how far you've come. Many people have told me that your personality really begins to develop around six months and I cannot wait to see it! In the past six months you've about tripled your birth weight and have become a real baby, full of movement and expressions. There's a lot I've learned about you so far. Here are some of the highlights:

You love music. Music class is your favorite activity and I know that I can almost always get a smile and a laugh when I sing to you (off key, very off key) at home. 

You enjoy being outdoors. Nature is very soothing to you and you are very content on our morning and evening walks with Jackson. 

Speaking of Jackson, you think he's hysterical. There's always a big smile on your face when he comes over and you can't help but laugh when he plays fetch. You also enjoy pulling his hair and trying to eat him. We're working on that last one. It's just gross.

You are not shy. In fact, you love looking at strangers and have a smile for almost everyone. 

You cry. A lot. Yes, you cry less than you did in the beginning, but you still cry a lot. I'd like that to stop now. Please?

Tali, my life is very different now that you are here but I'm so glad you are. You are definitely a challenge but I'm up for it. It's amazing how much I've fallen in love with you. I can't wait to learn more.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Baby Sign Language

I think Tali needs to communicate. There's no way she's crying this much just for the hell of it. She wants to have a conversation and tell me what's bugging her. My solution? Baby sign language. Babies can start learning sign language at six months old (tomorrow!) and therefore have the ability to communicate much earlier. Sign language actually improves a child's speaking vocabulary and has also been shown to improve IQ. And, Tali has no tricks. Jackson can do so many things and Tali's biggest trick is smiling at strangers. She needs some new material. 

We took a baby sign language course about a month ago and I started signing with Tali on Sunday. Babies can only learn one word at a time and the first word you teach them is "more." The way you teach a word is to use it verbally and do the sign at the same time. There are many opportunities to use the word "more" so I am signing to her when I feed her ("Tali, do you want more food"), when I sing to her ("Tali, do you want more singing"), when I make faces, when I pour water on her in the bath, etc. Most of the time, she thinks its funny. 

It can take 8-10 weeks for a baby to learn the first sign since she first has to understand that she's being taught something and then develop the coordination to do it. But once she learns that first sign,  the next signs should only take about 2-3 weeks each. Once again my patience will be put to the test. For the next two or more months I will repeatedly use the word and sign for "more" without any sort of response. Around the end of August I will start carrying the video camera everywhere in hopes of catching the first (or second) time she asks for "more" on her own. Then it's on to the words "eat" and "milk." After that, the possibilities are endless. She could tell me she needs a diaper change, she needs help, she sees a giraffe, etc.

Monday, June 22, 2009

First (Unassisted) Sit

When: This morning

Where: At Jack's house, a friend from music class

Details: Tali was at Jack's house this morning for a play date when she decided sit on her own for the first time. We've been practicing sitting up on our own for quite some time now (I sit her in the corner of the sofa and on the floor with minimal support from me) and I knew it was coming soon but I was still a bit surprised. She was on the floor and I moved my hand away from her back and she stayed! Part of this was because she was looking at all of the other babies, but she still did it. She then fell into the "tripod" pose (leaning forward with hands propping her up) and eventually tipped over. She sat a few times while she was at Jack's and again once this afternoon at home. I'm looking forward to her sitting up well on her own. I see how much the older babies can do once they sit and I'm sure it'll make a world of difference (read: less crying) for her.

Here is a picture of her in the tripod pose at Jack's. Sorry for the (very) poor quality, it was taken with my cell.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Real Laugh

When: Last night

Where: In her room, before bed

Details: Last night, H came in to say goodnight to Tali and while he was holding her, I made a face at her (just opened my mouth really big and let out a sigh) and she had her first real laugh! Up until now, her laughs have been noiseless. But this was full of sound. After she repeatedly laughed at the same face I got the video camera, hoping to capture it before it stopped. Lucky for you, I got it. Enjoy the laughs!

Eat, Cry, Repeat

I took a bit of video (on my cell phone - explains the low quality) of Tali eating yesterday. I just wanted to capture the craziness that is my daughter during a meal. She's still crying between bites, though not as often. She also hates it when I use the spoon to gather the food off of her face or bib. You'll also see her latest trick: using her fingers to scoop the food off of the spoon and into her mouth. This is about 30 seconds of our feeding. An average feeding is between 30-40 minutes. So put this on repeat for a half hour if you want to get the true experience!


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Today's Food Adventure

Sometimes I think Tali is smarter than I give her credit for. It seems like she's found a way to keep herself from crying between bites. Today she used her right hand to help me feed her (she likes to hold the handle of the spoon as it goes into her mouth) and she put her left hand in her mouth along with the spoon. What did this accomplish? Well, some of the food got in her mouth and some got on her fingers. So when I pulled the spoon away from her mouth she could suck on her fingers and still get food. Genius! 

Food Makes My Daughter Cry

There's an endless list of things that make Tali cry. Now I can add food to that list. No, it's not that she doesn't like it. It's that the food doesn't come fast enough. Tali is used to the constant flow of breast milk so the fact that food has to be put on a spoon which goes in and out of her mouth does not make her happy. When feeding her, she cries between bites because she's hungry and wants more. As soon as the spoon leaves her mouth (which isn't so easy because she tries to hold the spoon there) the screams begin. Once the spoon makes it way back to her mouth, she's content. This doesn't last the whole feeding, just the first half when she's really hungry. During the second half of the feeding she gets excited between bites. 

If I were to feed her in public, strangers would probably think I'm force feeding my child. I can only imagine the looks and comments I'd get. I'm sure this crying will end once Tali gets more used to eating. For now, I'll just have to live with a new type of food fight.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

An Important Lesson for Tali

Dear Tali,

I've been meaning to write you a letter or two on this blog but never seem to have the time or know what to say. So this will be my first. Today, you learned an important lesson that I'm sure will stay with you until your teen years: go to the toy store with Daddy. Yes, when Mommy goes to the toy store she has a goal (and a list!) and gets what she needs and leaves. But when Daddy goes to the toy store, he spends two hours playing with everything and picks up lots of extra toys for you. On this trip we went to purchase a high chair but left with a lot more. You got six toys - from stacking rings to a percussion set - and Daddy also bought some candy. I know you are too young for candy but I will warn you now - Mommy isn't going to buy you candy very often. Daddy will probably be your go-to parent in that department. You'll come to Mommy for food, comfort and many other things. But bat your pretty blue eyes at Daddy when you want to be spoiled at the toy store.


PS I promise to write a more serious letter next time. 

One of Tali's new toys.

Another new toy.

Best Abs in Town

Tali must have the best abs in town. Since she was about one month old, she has been doing leg raises when on her back. Now, she has begun to lift her head and neck up when laying down. It's like a mini stomach crunch. (I think she does this to signal that she wants to be picked up.) She could make her own work out video: Baby Abs of Steel. 

First Food

When: Saturday at her 3:00 feeding

Where: in the living room

Details: Yesterday was Tali's first experience with "real" food and she loved it! For the first week, babies eat rice cereal (then its on to oatmeal for a week and then real food). I was warned that she probably wouldn't eat more than a bite or two and probably push most of it out with her tongue. "Don't be discouraged," the doctor told me. "Just try again the next day. It could take a few days until she actually eats." 

True to her style, Tali bucked the trend and ate the whole thing! She was so excited for food that once she had a few bites she was bouncing, kicking and smiling - eagerly awaiting the next bite. As she got a bit more comfortable with the idea, she started to help me and hold on to my hand or the spoon and guide it to her mouth.  After she was done with the cereal (only one tablespoon of cereal and four tablespoons of milk for her first meal), I breast fed her. She ate all of that too. 

Today I am going to increase the amount of cereal and see how much she'll eat. And maybe her dad will try to feed her.

*Note: Below are some pictures from her second feeding (today). We recorded the first one and I promise to put a bit of the video up on the blog - once I learn how to work the camera!

Daddy feeding Tali

Mommy feeding Tali

It's not fun unless you make a mess!

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Babies put everything in their mouth and Tali is no different. It can be quite funny to see some of the things that make its way in for a taste test. Here is what she "explored" yesterday (besides the obvious toys, pacifier, etc.):

Ziplock bag
my bra strap
my fingers
Savta's fingers
my shirt
my hair
Jackson's ear
strap of the baby carrier
her socks (while still on her feet)
her shirt
my cell phone
sofa pillow
TV remote
cordless phone antenna
her big toe
four of her toes at once
bath towel

I wonder which one tasted the best to her.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I've Got Your Nose!

Today Tali has made it her mission to eat my nose. Yes, you read that right - eat my nose. Every time I hold her, she opens her mouth up wide, leans in and goes for my nose. She's gotten it a few times and thinks its absolutely hysterical. It was cute the first time but now my face keeps getting wet. But if it makes her laugh then I'll let her do it. Anything to keep this kid happy.

Photo Shoot

This morning I took Tali for a mini photo session (20 minutes) at a photographer's home in a nearby town. Surprisingly, Tali was very good up until the end. She smiled, she stared, she was on her best behavior.

It's fun to watch a baby photographer at work. She had a basket of toys and could quickly (within seconds) determine which toys Tali liked to look at and which ones she didn't. Tali's favorite was a toy shaped like a maraca that had flashing lights and buzzed. The other toys didn't seem to interest her as much and the singing bear got an immediate frown and lower lip quiver. 

The photographer took a ton of shots and I can't wait to see them! If they come out nicely, the whole family (Jackson included) might go for a full session with her. I'll post pictures when I get them.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bad Mom - Shots

Tali got three shots today at the doctor's office. I really hate watching her get the shots - she screams bloody murder and I know she's in pain. But, I'm a bad mom and love the results of the shots. She sleeps! She usually sleeps through the night the day she gets shots. Hopefully this round of shots will be the same and I'll get more than five hours of sleep tonight. The crappy part? She doesn't get her next round of shots for another three months.

Doctor's Visit

Tali went to the doctor today for a check-up and everything is going well. At 11 lbs. 9 ounces, she's still tiny (in the 5th percentile for weight and 10th for height) but she's growing so there's no need to worry. Developmentally, she's at the six month mark (right now she's 5 1/2 months) and verbally she's at the eight month mark (she is my daughter, after all). 

The exciting news is that it is time to start solid foods! We'll start this weekend with some rice cereal and then progress from there. Knowing Tali, it'll be a messy experience so the camera will be on hand. That means its time to make room in the kitchen for little spoons and plates. And its time to finally put all of her bibs to good use. 

If anyone has any food/feeding tips they'd like to pass along, I'm all ears. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Posting Comments on the Blog

I've gotten e-mails from some people who told me that they could not post a comment on this blog. So I've now changed the settings so that everyone can comment. Talk away!

Bad Mom - Rain

This morning I was a bad mom again. We have a morning routine that consists of waking up, changing her diaper, feeding her, reading a book, getting her dressed and then taking her and Jackson for a walk. If the weather is good, I put her in the baby carrier. If the weather is bad then I put her in the stroller so she's covered. 

Today I thought I could beat the rain so I put her in the carrier. Full of confidence, I left the umbrella at home and began our walk. About 5 minutes in it began to mist so I covered Tali's head. Then a minute or two later it began to sprinkle. As soon as it began Jackson saw a friend across the street and refused to move until his friend came over to say hi. Once they'd said hello (sniff the butt, jump around, etc.) we started to move again. And then the rain started to come down. The little hood on the carrier is no match for Mother Nature so Jackson and I jogged back home (can't really run with a baby until they are six months and even then it should be in a stroller, not strapped to your chest) to avoid a complete soaking. Tali, of course, was crying because she was getting wet. Jackson didn't get to finish his walk. And I felt like an idiot for not being prepared.

Touch, Touch, Touch

When I was a senior in college I worked at a women's boutique (I also babysat twice a week, worked for the USDA Forest Services and was the editor of the campus magazine but we'll save that for another blog) and there was a certain type of customer we all hated. The women who came in and touched everything drove us nuts! Usually these people didn't buy anything, they just browsed the racks and put their hands on every item in the store. My daughter is now like those women.

Tali is at the stage where she wants to touch everything. She's exploring with her hands (and mouth) and wants to see what each thing feels like. She loves to touch all of her toys and anything else she can get her hands on. When I have a glass of water in my hands, she wants to touch it. When I read her a book, she wants touch it. When I'm changing her diaper, she wants to touch it. And the list goes on. So we now spend a lot of our days going around the house so Tali can touch things. I enjoy watching her react to different items.

First Toe Suck

When: Friday night, during "towel time" after her bath

Where: On the changing table

Details: Tali has been working hard to get her feet into her mouth. Quite often she gets them there for a few seconds before they move away. Always persistent, she continues to bring her feet to her mouth with the hopes of getting a taste of those toes. On Friday night, she accomplished her goal and had her first toe suck! I know a lot of babies do this, but I think it's hilarious. Now she can actually suck on her toe (or toes - sometimes its the big and second toe) for a few minutes.

It took me a few days to write this because I really wanted to include pictures. Last night I caught her in the act. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

She Loves Her Puppy

Tali is really into Jackson these days. She sees him and smiles. She follows him when he's running around the room. And, she wants to "pet" him a few times a day. Luckily, Jackson is a pretty laid back dog and lets her pet him for a few minutes before he walks off (treats help keep him around a bit longer). Now whenever he gets close to Tali she gets very excited, reaches her arms out and leans towards him. And then the petting begins. Of course petting for a five-month old is really grabbing his ears or pulling his hair. So I work with her on being gentle. When she pulls, I release her grasp and show her how to pet, saying "gentle, gentle" the whole time. I know she's too young to understand, but it's better to start early. No matter how she's petting him, she just has a blast. It is so fun to watch her having a good time.


Getting On A Schedule, Finally

A week and a half ago, I spoke with Tali's doctor about her sleeping problems and she gave me advice. First, she told me to push her feedings out to every four hours (I was doing every three or three and a half hours) so that she would stop grazing during her meals and be hungry enough to eat a full serving. At night, she told me to begin to let her cry it out, in 15 minute intervals. After 15 minutes has passed, go in, comfort her and then leave. Repeat the process every 15 minutes until she falls asleep. It's heartbreaking to hear your child cry, especially when they scream bloody murder like mine does, and I've had a hard time letting her do this in the past. But since I was so sleep deprived and simply at a loss, I decided to do it. 

Ten days later, I am happy to report that Tali is starting to sleep better. She now wakes up around midnight and screams for a while (anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour) then goes back to sleep. She wakes up again between 2:00 a.m. - 3:00 a.m. for a feeding. Once fed, she goes back to sleep and sleeps until about 7:00 a.m. I am hoping that she'll stop the midnight waking soon. It takes a long time to soothe her at that waking. The doctor says she'll learn that she's not getting fed at that time so will eventually stop putting out the effort. I can't wait.

Since I am putting her on a sleeping schedule, I figured it was time to put her on an eating/daytime schedule. Now she eats at 7:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. We've stuck to this schedule for ten days now and it's working very well. It's nice to be able to make plans in advance and know when I can be out and when I need to be home for a feeding. Finally, life is beginning to have some sort of routine. 

She's Got One of My Genes (or Should I Say Jeans?)

Last week Gran and I took Tali shopping and she was on her best behavior. In fact, I've never seen her so well behaved for such a long period of time. She had a blast at the mall. All of the colors and people were simply fascinating to her and she spent the majority of her time just smiling and looking around. She was such a pleasure, having a normal baby was such a treat! So we decided that she inherited my shopping gene. Watch out Dad, she'll be asking for the credit card soon!