I'm calling bullsh@*t on "lactation consultants." Every consultant will tell you that if you want your baby to breast feed, you shouldn't give them bottles. Since it's easier to get the milk out of a bottle, they will prefer that and will refuse to breast feed. Tali is proof that is not true.
On Wednesday, I took Tali into the city for an "office tour." First, we went to her dad's office. While there, it was time to feed her so I took out a bottle. She refused to put it in her mouth. She only wanted to breast feed. Luckily, there was enough privacy that I could do so. Then, we went to my old office. We were there for a long time and it was time for her to eat again. So I took out the bottle and she took it for a minute or two then spit it out, turned to my breast (which was clothed) and opened her mouth! Luckily, there was an empty office I could use.
It's clear that she prefers breast feeding to a bottle (although she will take a bottle from other people, just not me). Perhaps it's the cuddling and comfort of breast feeding that she likes. Or, maybe she's just stubborn and wants to make my life difficult.